The New Agriculture Paradigm in Korea, Digital Agriculture
Sensors and Intelligent Biosystems Lab.
이식 로봇을 위한 3D 포인트 클라우드 기반 실시간 바이오매스 측정 및 생육 불량묘 검출
RGB-D Camera-based Real-time 3D Mapping and Flower Thinning Strategy using Flower-branch Relationshi
Real-time multi-object broiler detection and tracking system based on YOLOv5 and Deepsort
Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for an Agricultural Four-Wheel Independent Mobile Robot
Encoder-based localization method based on pre-built indoor environment map for 2-wheel agricultural
수집, 운반형 양파 수확기의 양파 개수 및 위치 분석을 위한 YOLO 기반 양파 검출 알고리즘
Three-dimensional Photogrammetric Mapping of Apples in Orchard based on Point Cloud Instance Segment
항공영상으로부터 농경지 환경에서의 실시간 객체 검출을 위한 Pruning 기법 기반 YOLO 알고리즘 경량화
음성 인식 기반 경로 추종 제어 플랫폼 개발
Rheological and Printable Evaluation of Cellulose Acetate Inks for Extrusion-based 3D Printing
Caterpillar Equipped Mobile Robot Wokring on Rough Terrain based on Dynamic Window
3D Reconstruction of Trees in Apple Orchard using a Multi Camera-based UAV System
Counting of Dense Onions using Improved YOLOv3 Model for Onion Picking Robot
Drone-based 3D Mapping and Measurement of Apple Tree Morphology for Phenotyping in Orchard
들깨잎의 자동수확을 위한 잎몸 길이를 추정하는 근사형의 설계
상태 흐름 방법을 기반으로 실내 환경에서 외발 자전거 형 이동 로봇을 위한 경로 추종 플랫폼 개발
Multi-Viewpoints and Wide Field-of-View Assistance of an Autonomous Tractor Using Tethered UAV.
캐터필라(Caterpillar) 형태 모바일 로봇의 자동화
ROS 연결을 통한 인풋 아웃풋 기반 외발 자전거 타입(Unicycle-type) 실내 로봇의 궤적 제어
UAV-based oblique photogrammetry for highly accurate 3D reconstruction in orchard
A caterpillar equipped mobile robot for outdoor agriculture applications
Multiview points and wide field-of-view assistance oof an autonomous tractor using thered UAV
3D reconstruction using multi cameras-based UAV system
Plant-cell based artificial photosynthesis system
Caterpillar type mobile robot for the application of rough terrain
Navigation of a mobile robot in the indoor environment based on visual odometry particle filter and
RGB image based rice plant positioning in the field
Analysis of rice grain and morphological characteristics in 3D model generated from multi-camera UAV
항공영상을 이용한 딥러닝기반 농경지 3차원 점군데이터 분류 알고리즘
Artificial leaf device for reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide
항공영상측량 기반 농경지형 분류 및 분석
심층신경망 기반 농경지 무인항공 영상 정보분류 및 지형 분석
Caterpillar equipped mobile robot navigation with dynamic windows approach for outdoor agriculture a
Geo-located positioning and counting of rice plants in UAV images
Optimization of configuration parameters for 3D reconstruction in multi camera-based UAV system